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Email Marketing Guide

Email marketing guide design by Forza! Cork

A Beginner’s Email Marketing Guide

We believe that building successful email marketing campaigns has never been more important than it is now. But there’s a problem; most people don’t know how to do it right. So in the interest of furthering best practices and helping you…

Facebook Marketing

facebook marketing guide design by Forza! Cork

Facebook Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

As the largest social network in the world, it has more than 1.23 billion active users. 62% of these log in on a daily basis. With such a large user base, ignoring it really isn’t an option for…

Best Website award for Forza at Digital marketing awards


cdma16winnerAward Winning Web Design in Cork

This years’ Cork Digital Marketing Awards run by Cork Chamber of Commerce delivered another great result for Forza!

We were delighted to have 3 of our websites amongst the 10 finalists who were…

5 Epic Branding Fails

acronym fail wtf copy

Check out these branding mistakes

Acronyms in branding can be tricky at the best of times but there’s just no excuse for these branding mistake whoppers!


Healthcare Awards win for Forza! – Marketing Campaign

Healthcare awards, IHA, Forza, winners, marketing, Cork

Our methadone safety awareness campaign for the HSE Drug & Alcohol Unit was among the category winners at this year’s Irish Healthcare Awards.

The marketing campaign which highlighted best practice to both health professionals and patients, won the “Best Patient Safety” category.

Collection & Use of Personal Information

By submitting your data, you are providing us with some level of personal information. This information is not stored on our website database. However, in order to respond to your enquiry, your data is emailed to our website’s email address where it is saved. Additionally, If you choose to subscribe to our mailing list, we may use your contact details to send you marketing material in the future. You may unsubscribe from these emails following our first reply. We do not pass your data on to any third parties. Read full Privacy Policy